Resources for NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

1:00 pm to 4:00 pm eastern

Click here to register for the meeting:

Farmer Updates

  1. Farmers’ Guide to COVID-19 Relief - from Farmers Legal Action Group

  2. Farm Commons - providing webinars to educate farmers about resources and assistance

  3. NOC Members and Affiliates Provide Resources for Farmers & Communities During COVID-19

DC Update

  1. NOC Appropriations Priorities - FY 2021

  2. Enforcement Rulemaking Summary - USDA

  3. NOP Update to NOSB for Spring 2020 Meeting - you can view the full audio presentation through the Organic Integrity Learning Center

  4. NOC Testimony to House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis

  5. The Agriculture Resilience Act - Comprehensive legislation introduced by Rep. Chellie Pingree (D-ME) that sets a bold vision of reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in U.S. agriculture by the year 2040.

  6. Climate Stewardship Act - Senator Booker

  7. Hydroponics Lawsuit - On March 3, Center for Food Safety (CFS), along with a coalition of organic farms and stakeholders, filed a lawsuit challenging the United States Department of Agriculture's (USDA's) decision to allow hydroponic operations to be certified organic.

  8. OTA Organic Animal Welfare Lawsuit - Court gives USDA 180 days to fix its modeling errors in Organic Trade Association animal welfare lawsuit

  9. USDA Seeks 5 Nominees for NOSB

  10. USDA announcement regarding CARES Act and Implementation plan - USDA press release, AMS factsheet

Coronavirus Information

Summaries of Coronavirus Response Legislation

  1. 1st coronavirus relief package - signed into law on March 6, 2020. This legislation included $8 billion for coronavirus prevention, preparation and response efforts.

  2. 2nd coronavirus relief package; “Families First” - signed into law on March 18, 2020. It includes provisions to make coronavirus testing free to the public, to provide emergency paid-leave benefits to some employees, and more.

  3. 3rd coronavirus relief package; “CARES Act” - $2 trillion relief package signed into law on March 27, 2020; the bill included cash payments to individuals, extra unemployment payments (and makes unemployment benefits available to those who are self employed through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Program), provided $350 in forgivable loans to small businesses, including farms and non-profits, through the Paycheck Protection Program, and $9.5 billion to assist agriculture producers impacted by the coronavirus and $14 billion to replenish funding for the Commodity Credit Corporation for use for future assistance to farmers.

  4. Coronavirus relief package 3.5 - signed into law April 24, a $484 billion package that provided additional funding for small business loans (Paycheck Protection Program), to health care providers, and for COVID-19 testing.

  5. New coronavirus mitigation research program at USDA

Small Business Administration Programs

  1. How to get a small-business loan under the new $484 billion coronavirus aid package

USDA Resouces

  1. USDA Resources in Response to COVID-19

COVID Response Letters

  1. NOC/OFA/OFRF Letter to Secretary Perdue - COVID-19 recommendations for organic sector

  2. NSAC Group Sign-on letter

  3. NY and PA Secretaries of Agriculture Letter to Secretary Perdue

Congressional letters about COVID Response

  1. Letters regarding SBA Programs and Farmer Eligibility

    1. Rep. Delgado, et al letter about farmer access to SBA EIDL program

    2. Stabenow/Roberts letter about farmer access to SBA programs

    3. Letter from Sen. Baldwin re: Farmer Access to SBA programs

  2. Letters regarding Local Foods and Markets

    1. Senators Brown, Murkowski, and Stabenow (et al) letter (bipartisan)

  3. Letters regarding Specialty Crops

    1. Letter from Senators Feinstein, Stabenow and 27 other Democratic Senators

  4. Letters regarding Dairy

    1. Letter from Senators Leahy, Stabenow (signed by 23 other Senate Dems)

    2. Letter from Reps Welch, Courtney and other members of Congressional Dairy Farmer Caucus

    3. Letter from New York Delegation (bipartisan)

    4. Letter from Senators Risch, Crapo and 13 other Senators (Senator Republicans)

    5. WI Senate/House delegation letter signed by (almost) entire delegation (bipartisan)