Organic Seed Usage | Farmer Listening Session
1:00 PM13:00

Organic Seed Usage | Farmer Listening Session

The National Organic Coalition (NOC) invites organic farmers to participate in a listening session to better understand their perspectives and ideas on sound and sensible ways to improve organic seed usage. 

Context: The USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP) requires the use of organic seed unless the seeds farmers need, including equivalent varieties, aren’t commercially available. The purpose of the current organic seed exemption is to provide a transition time for the seed industry to catch up to demand and to allow organic growers to find suitable varieties to transition to, with the goal of eventually achieving 100 percent organic seed sourcing. The allowance for non-organic seed is important for growers who lack access to appropriate organic seed for their operations. While it is no one’s intention to force organic growers to use organic seed that may not be optimal for their operations, continuous improvement in organic seed sourcing is essential to incentivizing growth in the organic seed supply and strengthening organic integrity. 

Purpose: In partnership with Organic Seed Alliance (OSA), Organic Farming Research Foundation (OFRF), Organic Farmers Association (OFA), and Ohio Ecological Food and Farming Association (OEFFA), NOC is inviting certified organic producers to share their thoughts in this listening session - producers’ firsthand experience is key to shaping practical policies. Farmers face real challenges in sourcing organic seed, and their input helps ensure policies support continuous improvement while remaining flexible for growers. This dialogue will guide advocacy for balanced solutions that strengthen organic integrity and the seed supply.

Discussions from this listening session will help inform our work with the National Organic Program (NOP) and National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) on continuous improvement of organic seed usage.

Target audience: certified organic producers. We want to hear directly from organic producers in this facilitated listening session, which will balance small and large group discussion.

Registration is closed. Please contact with any questions.

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Helping Organic Producers Access NRCS Programs
2:00 PM14:00

Helping Organic Producers Access NRCS Programs

Join NOC & Oregon Tilth:

Helping Organic Producers Access NRCS Programs

On January 15 at 2 pm ET, NOC and Oregon Tilth will convene a virtual meeting to provide information about how USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) programs work and how they can benefit organic and transitioning producers.  Meeting participants will also gain insights into how they can assist organic producers to access NRCS conservation support. 

This workshop is for staff from organic farming organizations and organizations that participate in the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP), and/or who work with organic and transitioning farmers. Content will be presented by Ben Bowell (Education & Advocacy Director, Oregon Tilth) and Marina Oriel (Conservation Program Manager, Oregon Tilth).

Registration is closed - please email with questions.

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The Future of Organic Under a Second Trump Administration
1:00 PM13:00

The Future of Organic Under a Second Trump Administration

The National Organic Coalition is hosting a zoom call:

The Future of Organic Under a Second Trump Administration 

Tuesday, December 3rd from 1 to 2:30 pm eastern

(call begins at 12 pm central, 11 am mountain, 10 am pacific)

Registration is closed. Please email with questions.

We will talk about the future of organic under a Trump Administration and with the new makeup of the House and Senate. We will discuss how we can protect core organic programs in the Farm Bill and other legislation. We will share our preliminary analysis of the leadership changes on the House and Senate Agriculture committees and what these changes will mean for the Farm Bill and organic programs.

This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC.

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Portland NOSB Meeting Debrief
1:00 PM13:00

Portland NOSB Meeting Debrief

  • National Organic Coalition (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The National Organic Coalition is hosting a zoom call:

Portland NOSB Meeting Debrief


November 13 from 1 to 2:30 pm eastern

(call begins at 12 pm central, 11 am mountain, 10 am pacific)


NOC’s team will describe highlights from the Fall 2024 National Organic Standards Board Meeting & NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting in Portland.


Registration is closed - please email with any questions:

This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC.


We will share highlights and answer questions related to the Portland meetings. Topics include:

  • Our biggest takeaways – What we heard from Jenny Tucker, Deputy Administrator for the National Organic Program & other USDA Officials

  • Important NOSB discussions on livestock materials, organic compost, inerts, residue testing, risk-based certification, organic seed usage, and sunset materials

  • Future NOSB Work, including plastic use in organic, in-person oral comments, NOSB composition and renewal

  • Pre-NOSB Meeting Highlights: Farmer Panel & Organic Seed Panel

  • USDA's Transition to Organic Partnership Program - National Meeting Updates

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Fall 2024 TOPP Meeting in Portland (OR)
9:00 AM09:00

Fall 2024 TOPP Meeting in Portland (OR)

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) Meeting

NOC is convening a meeting for staff from organizations that are participating in USDA’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). This meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 23, from 9:30 am to 3 pm CT, and will run concurrent with Day 2 of the National Organic Standards Board Meeting. This meeting will provide the opportunity for regional and national TOPP partners to share information and best practices.

Day: Wednesday, October 23

Time: 9:00 am to 3:00 pm PT

Location: Billy Frank Jr. Conference Center at the Ecotrust Building, 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland, OR 97209

Agenda: The meeting agenda and resources will be available soon

This meeting is supported through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP is a program of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative and is administered by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP).

Pre-NOSB Meeting

NOC is also convening a public Pre-NOSB meeting for the organic community. This meeting will take place on Monday, October 21, from 9 am to 5.00 pm PT at the Ecotrust Building in Portland, OR. Information and registration is available here.

NOSB Meeting

Information about the Portland NOSB Meeting can be found here.

For any questions, please email Alice Runde at

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Fall 2024 Pre-NOSB Meeting in Portland, OR
9:00 AM09:00

Fall 2024 Pre-NOSB Meeting in Portland, OR

NOC is hosting the Fall 2024 Pre-NOSB Meeting, in Portland, OR. This is an in-person event! The Pre-NOSB Meeting takes place in advance of the National Organic Standards Board meeting each spring and fall. This meeting provides a space for information-sharing and dialogue and is open to all organic community members. The meeting will include:

  • A panel of local organic farmers discussing regional challenges and opportunities.

  • A Q&A session with Dr. Jenny Tucker from the USDA National Organic Program.

  • A panel of experts to consider how to increase organic seed usage.

  • An DC update and discussion about advancing organic in the ongoing Farm Bill negotiations and after the election.

  • An update about topics under consideration by the National Organic Standards Board at the fall meeting.

Day: Monday, October 21

Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PT

Location: Billy Frank Jr. Conference Center at the Ecotrust Building, 721 NW 9th Ave, Portland, OR 97209

Agenda: The meeting agenda is available here. Meeting resources will be posted and updated here.

Accommodations: The USDA National Organic Program has a room block with preferential rates at The Duniway Hotel. Book here:, or for phone reservations, please call 503-226-1611 Ext.4210 for the hotel’s onsite team and indicate the group name: US Dept of Agriculture National Organic Program – USDA-NOP or the code 90Q.


Please reach out to

Farmer Scholarships

NOC is offering a limited number of scholarships to farmers who want to attend the NOC Pre-NOSB meeting (October 21, 2024) & National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) Meeting (October 22-24) in Portland, OR.

Scholarships can cover any travel-related expenses (mileage, transportation, meals, accommodations if needed). Scholarships will be disbursed based on the number of applications and stated needs, so the amount of each scholarship is unknown at this time.

Priority will be given to farmers who apply by Friday, September 20. NOC has limited funds and may not be able to grant all scholarship requests.

Scholarship recipients are asked to attend the NOC Pre-NOSB meeting if possible on October 21, from 9 am to 5 pm.


Please reach out to with questions.

Thank you to our generous meeting co-sponsors!

Thank you to the generous organizations who are providing snacks and beverages for the meeting:


Join us at the NOSB Reception on
Tuesday, October 22nd!

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Barriers to Organic Certification
11:00 AM11:00

Barriers to Organic Certification

Please note! Information will be presented, but this will be a highly interactive and participatory call. We will ask that participants follow these participant agreements during the call. 

This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC

Background Information

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Key Outcomes of the Spring 2024 Milwaukee Pre-NOSB & NOSB Meetings
2:00 PM14:00

Key Outcomes of the Spring 2024 Milwaukee Pre-NOSB & NOSB Meetings

NOC's team will describe highlights from the

Spring 2024 National Organic Standards Board Meeting

and NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting.


Registration for the Spring 2024 Milwaukee Pre-NOSB & NOSB Meetings Debrief is now closed. Please email with any questions.

This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC.


We will share highlights and answer questions related to the Milwaukee meetings. Topics include:

  • Our biggest takeaways – What we heard from Jenny Tucker, Deputy Administrator for the National Organic Program & other USDA Officials

  • Important NOSB discussions on organic compost, inerts, residue testing, and sunset materials

  • Future NOSB Work, including organic seed, standards for greenhouse/containers/hydroponics

  • Pre-NOSB Meeting Panel on Organic is Regenerative

  • USDA's Transition to Organic Partnership Program

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Spring 2024 TOPP Meeting in Milwaukee
9:30 AM09:30

Spring 2024 TOPP Meeting in Milwaukee

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) Meeting

NOC is convening a meeting for staff from organizations that are participating in USDA’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). This meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 30, from 9:30 am to 3 pm CT, and will run concurrent with Day 2 of the National Organic Standards Board Meeting. This meeting will provide the opportunity for regional and national TOPP partners to share information and best practices.

Day: Tuesday, April 30

Time: 9:30 am to 3:00 pm CT

Location: Hilton Milwaukee City Center, 509 W Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53233

Meeting agenda: linked here

This meeting is supported through the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP is a program of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative and is administered by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP).

Registration for the Milwaukee TOPP meeting is closed!
Please email if you would like to attend.

Pre-NOSB Meeting

NOC is also convening a public Pre-NOSB meeting for the organic community. This meeting will take place on Sunday, April 28, from 9 am to 4.30 pm CT at the Historic Pabst Brewery, followed by a networking reception. Information and registration is available here.

NOSB Meeting

Information about the Milwaukee NOSB Meeting can be found here.

NOSB Meeting Reception

NOSB Reception – 6 – 8 pm, Monday, April 29 – free & open to organic community members; (details here). Register here.  

For any questions, please email Alice Runde at

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Spring 2024 Pre-NOSB Meeting in Milwaukee
9:00 AM09:00

Spring 2024 Pre-NOSB Meeting in Milwaukee

  • The Great Hall at the Historic Pabst Brewery (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

NOC is hosting the Spring 2024 Pre-NOSB Meeting, in Milwaukee, WI. This is an in-person event! The Pre-NOSB Meeting takes place in advance of the National Organic Standards Board meeting each spring and fall. This meeting provides a space for information-sharing and dialogue and is open to all organic community members. The meeting will include:

  • A panel of local organic farmers discussing regional challenges and opportunities.

  • An DC update on organic policy issues, including the Farm Bill and new organic regulations.

  • A Q&A with Jenny Tucker, Deputy Administrator for the National Organic Program.

  • Discussions about topics under consideration by the National Organic Standards Board.

  • And more!

Day: Sunday, April 28

Time: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm CT, followed by a networking reception*

Location: The Great Hall at the Historic Pabst Brewery, 923 West Juneau Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233

Agenda: The meeting agenda and resources are available here.

*networking reception: light appetizers and snacks provided, cash bar.

Registration for the Milwaukee Pre-NOSB meeting is closed!
Please email if you would like to attend.

Farmer Scholarships

NOC will provide a limited number of travel scholarships to farmers who wish to take part in the Pre-NOSB Meeting and/or NOSB Meeting. FARMER SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE CLOSED.

Thank you to our meeting co-sponsors:

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) Meeting

NOC will also convene a meeting for staff from organizations that are participating in USDA’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). This meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 30, from 9:30 am to 3 pm CT. Information and registration is available here. For any questions, please email Alice Runde at

NOSB Meeting

Information about the Milwaukee NOSB Meeting can be found here.

NOSB Meeting Reception

NOSB Reception – 6 – 8 pm, Monday, April 29 – free & open to organic community members; (details here). Register here.  

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Demystifying the National Organic Standards Board
1:00 PM13:00

Demystifying the National Organic Standards Board

Join NOC for a virtual meeting on:

Demystifying the National Organic Standards Board

What it is, how it works, and how it impacts your farm

January 30, 2024 | 1 - 2.30 pm ET


  • Steve Ela, Former NOSB Chair, NOC NOSB Specialist, Organic Producer at Ela Family Farms

  • Harriet Behar, Former NOSB Chair, NOC Advisor, OFA Farmer Services Consultant, and Organic Producer at Sweet Springs Farm

  • Amy Bruch, Current NOSB Vice Chair and Organic Producer at Cyclone Farms

NOSB Board Members Meeting in 2018

Organic producers and processors must follow strict standards as to what is required to become organically certified.  Who decides what is and is not allowed on organic farms and in organic processing facilities? Not your certifier! Rather, it’s the USDA National Organic Program, in consultation with the National Organic Standards Board.

In this interactive networking session for organic and transitioning farmers, a panel of farmers and advocates will demystify the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). Panelists will explain the role of the NOSB in shaping organic standards and allowed materials, the process the Board uses to make decisions, and explain how your comments can make a difference in Board decisions. Your input matters! The NOSB makes decisions that determine what you can and can’t do on your farm - we’ll explain how to provide input to the Board in a meaningful way, answer your questions, and share ideas about how to lift up farmer voices in the NOSB process.

Please reach out to Alice ( with any questions.

This meeting is held in partnership with:

This project is supported through the United States Department of Agriculture(USDA) Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). TOPP is a program of the USDA Organic Transition Initiative and is administered by the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) National Organic Program (NOP). 

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A Deep Dive Into the New Organic Animal Welfare Rules
12:00 PM12:00

A Deep Dive Into the New Organic Animal Welfare Rules

The National Organic Coalition is hosting a virtual meeting:

A Deep Dive Into the New Organic Animal Welfare Rules

Friday, December 8, from 12 to 1.30 pm Eastern

(call begins at 11 am central, 10 am mountain, 9 am pacific)


USDA has finalized the long-awaited Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards Rule. This new regulation will ensure high animal welfare standards for animals raised on organic farms, including a clear requirement for access to the outdoors for organic poultry production. On Friday, December 8, NOC will convene a webinar at 12 pm Eastern for NOC Members & Network Affiliates to share our analysis of this new regulation. This webinar will be presented by NOC Advisor and Consultant, Harriet Behar.


Registration for this event is now closed.
Please email with questions.

**This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC. 

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Virtual Meeting: Key Outcomes from the Fall 2023 NOSB Meeting
2:00 PM14:00

Virtual Meeting: Key Outcomes from the Fall 2023 NOSB Meeting

The National Organic Coalition is hosting a virtual meeting:

Key Outcomes from the Fall 2023 NOSB Meeting & NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting in Providence, RI

Tuesday, November 14, from 2 to 3.30 pm Eastern

(call begins at 1 pm central, 12 pm mountain, 11 am pacific)


NOC’s team will describe highlights from the Fall 2023 National Organic Standards Board Meeting and NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting.


Registration is closed.
Please email with questions.

We will discuss the following topics and answer your questions:

  • Key takeaways – Q&A with Jenny Tucker, Deputy Administrator for the National Organic Program

  • NOSB Proposals, Sunset Materials & Discussion Documents

  • Future NOSB Work

  • Pre-NOSB Meeting Farmer Panel on Land Access

**This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC. 

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7:00 PM19:00

NOSB Happy Hour - October 25

NOSB Happy Hour - October 25

Wednesday, October 25 · 7 - 9pm EDT

Bayberry Beer Hall, 381 West Fountain Street Providence, RI 02903

Join the Accredited Certifiers Association, National Organic Coalition, Pennsylvania Certified Organic, Organic Plus Trust, and the Organic Trade Association for a Happy Hour after Wednesday's NOSB meeting. Come hear what's new with each group and network with your colleagues while sharing a drink and some heavy hors d'oeuvres.


Space is limited to 100 people, so be sure to register early if you plan to attend!

Questions Email Gayle Mitchell -

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Fall 2023 Pre-NOSB Meeting
8:30 AM08:30

Fall 2023 Pre-NOSB Meeting

Pre-NOSB Meeting

NOC is hosting the Fall 2023 Pre-NOSB Meeting, in Providence, Rhode Island. This is an in-person event! The Pre-NOSB Meeting takes place in advance of the National Organic Standards Board meeting each spring and fall. This meeting provides a space for information-sharing and dialogue and is open to all organic stakeholders. The meeting will include:

  • A farmer panel.

  • An update on the 2023 Farm Bill negotiations and other organic policy issues.

  • Discussions about topics under consideration by the National Organic Standards Board.

  • A Q&A with the National Organic Program.

  • And more!

Meeting agenda & resources are available here.

Day: Monday, October 23rd

Time: 8.30 am to 3 pm ET

Location: Providence Marriott Downtown

Register below by COB on Thursday, October 19.

Farmer Scholarships

**NOC is providing a limited number of travel scholarships to farmers who wish to take part in the Pre-NOSB Meeting and/or NOSB Meeting.

[The application period for farmer scholarships is now closed.]

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) Meeting

NOC will also convene a meeting for staff from organizations that are participating in USDA’s Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP). This meeting will provide the opportunity for local, regional, and national TOPP partners to share information and best practices.

  • Part 1: Monday, October 23rd, from 3.30 to 5.30 pm ET

  • Part 2: Tuesday, October 24th, from 7.30 am to 9.30 am ET (breakfast is included)

Find a detailed agenda here.

Location: Providence Marriott Downtown

For any questions, please email

Information about the Fall 2023 NOSB Meeting can be found here >

Meeting participants are invited to the NOSB Happy Hour on Wednesday, October 25, from 7 - 9pm EDT. More information at the bottom of the page and here.


*** Registration is closed - please email if you have not registered but would like to attend the meeting!***

Thank you to the Pre-NOSB meeting co-sponsors:

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2023 Farm Bill Briefing: Opportunities & Threats for Organic
12:00 PM12:00

2023 Farm Bill Briefing: Opportunities & Threats for Organic

The National Organic Coalition is hosting a zoom discussion for NOC Members & Network Affiliates:


2023 Farm Bill Briefing:

Opportunities & Threats for Organic 

Join NOC Policy Director, Steve Etka, and Executive Director, Abby Youngblood, to discuss all things organic in the 2023 Farm Bill.   

We will discuss:

  • 2023 Farm Bill context – the political backdrop and funding environment for the 2023 Farm Bill.

  • Marker bills – NOC has endorsed multiple marker bills that are focused on organic research, cost share, technical assistance, conservation and more. We will share details and answer questions about these bills and how each will advance organic.

  • Equity – we will highlight provisions that advance equitable access to organic agriculture.

  • Addressing regulatory bottlenecks at USDA – we will share more information about a bill that will amend OFPA to ensure that organic lives up to the continuous improvement ethos and to compel USDA to implement NOSB recommendations in a timely manner.

  • Grasstops & grassroots advocacy – learn how your organization or company can get more engaged and have an impact on the Farm Bill negotiations.


Register below by 5 pm ET on Tuesday, August 15 to participate in this event.


This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Not yet a NOC Network Affiliate? Please contact NOC to learn more about this opportunity. 


Background Information:


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NOC Virtual Meeting - Key Outcomes from the Spring 2023 NOSB Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

NOC Virtual Meeting - Key Outcomes from the Spring 2023 NOSB Meeting

The National Organic Coalition is hosting a conference call:

Key Outcomes from the Spring 2023 NOSB Meeting & NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting in Atlanta, GA 

Wednesday, May 17 from 3 to 4:30 pm eastern

(call begins at 2 pm central, 1 pm mountain, 12 pm pacific)


NOC’s team will describe highlights from the Spring 2023 National Organic Standards Board Meeting and NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting.


Register below by Monday, May 15 to participate in this event. 

We will discuss the following topics and answer your questions:

  • Key takeaways – Q&A with Jenny Tucker, Deputy Administrator for the National Organic Program

  • NOSB Proposals, Sunset Materials & Discussion Documents

  • Future NOSB Work

  • Pre-NOSB Meeting Farmer Panel – Growing Organic in the Southeast

  • TOPP Meeting Report Back

**This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC. 

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Spring 2023 Pre-NOSB Meeting
9:00 AM09:00

Spring 2023 Pre-NOSB Meeting

Join NOC on Monday, April 24 in Atlanta, GA for the Spring 2023 Pre-NOSB Meeting. This is an in-person event! The Pre-NOSB meeting will take place from 9 am to 5 pm ET at the Crowne Plaza Atlanta Mid-town (same location as NOSB meeting).

The Pre-NOSB meeting will include:

  • A DC Organic Policy Update

  • Update on National Organic Standards Board Meeting topics

  • Discussion about the new USDA Organic Transition Initiative

  • An organic farmer panel

  • A Q&A session with Jenny Tucker, Deputy Administrator for the National Organic Program

  • Information about the new Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule

    and more.

Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) Meeting

NOC will also convene a meeting for staff from organizations that are participating in the Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) on the afternoon of April 24. This meeting will provide the opportunity for local, regional, and national TOPP partners to share information and best practices. More information is available here.

Please register using the form below by Thursday, April 20th.

Anyone registering after April 20th is welcome to join the meeting, but may not be included in our count for printed materials.

Meeting agenda & resources are available here.

Information about the Spring 2023 NOSB Meeting can be found here >

For any questions, please email

Thank you to meeting co-sponsors:


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NOC Call on the Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule
2:00 PM14:00

NOC Call on the Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule


The National Organic Coalition is hosting a conference call on:


The Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule


January 31 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm eastern

(call begins at 1:00 pm central, 12:00 pm mountain, 11:00 am pacific)


Join NOC Policy Director, Steve Etka, and NOC Consultant, Christie Badger, to discuss the Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule. NOC will provide our analysis of key provisions in the rule and its impact on organic operations and certification agencies. 

Register below to participate in this event by 5 pm ET on Monday, January 30.


This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC.



Background Information:

The Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule implements significant changes to tackle fraud in organic supply chains plus new requirements for additional organic handlers and brokers to become certified as organic.


The National Organic Coalition (NOC) submitted extensive comments in 2020 on a proposed Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule. Since then, NOC has advocated forcefully for finalization of the rule to create a fair marketplace for organic producers, who must follow strict requirements to protect the environment and human health, and to conserve biodiversity.

NOC recognizes that the Strengthening Organic Enforcement Rule is a first step to address fraud and ensure consistency across certification agencies.

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Key Outcomes from the Fall 2022 NOSB Meeting in Sacramento
1:00 PM13:00

Key Outcomes from the Fall 2022 NOSB Meeting in Sacramento

  • National Organic Coalition (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The NOC team will describe highlights from the Fall 2022 National Organic Standards Board Meeting and NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting in Sacramento.

REGISTRATION IS CLOSED. Please email Abby Youngblood ( for any questions.


This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC. 

We will discuss the following topics:

  • Key takeaways – Q&A with National Organic Program at NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting

  • NOSB topics:

    • Essentiality

    • Fraud

    • Climate-Smart Ag

    • NOSB Board Support

  • A look ahead at the NOSB’s work agenda

  • Highlights from the NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting panels:

    • Growing Organic Markets

    • Empowering Immigrant & Low-Resource Farmers

    • Key Findings from Report on DEI in the Organic Movement

  • NOC’s 2023 Farm Bill Platform Highlights



The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is a 15-member volunteer board with representation from diverse members of the organic community. The NOSB advises the Secretary of Agriculture on a wide variety of topics related to organic standards, including what materials should be allowed in organic farming. The NOSB holds public meetings twice a year and the National Organic Coalition holds a public meeting prior to the start of each NOSB meeting (NOSB meetings usually last three or four days). The purpose of the Pre-NOSB meeting is to provide a forum for productive engagement around critical issues of organic integrity for diverse stakeholders in the organic community.


The work of the NOSB is critical to maintaining the integrity of the National Organic Program. The public meetings held each year are an opportunity for the entire organic community to publicly voice their opinions about how the organic program should function.


For more information about the NOSB, please visit:

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Fall 2022 NOSB Meeting
to Oct 27

Fall 2022 NOSB Meeting

See the National Organic Standards Board meeting page for more information. A detailed agenda and subcommittee proposals will be posted above and on in late August.

Deadline: written comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. September 29, 2022, so that the Board has time to review them before the meeting.

Meeting Information:
Holiday Inn Sacramento Downtown - Arena
300 J Street
Sacramento, California
Room Reservation Link: (Group Code: NOS)
Room reservation cutoff date: Friday, September 30, 2022

NOSB Fall Meeting 2022 dates:

  • Public Comment Webinar Day 1: Tuesday, October 18 from Noon - 5:00 pm Eastern

  • Public Comment Webinar Day 2: Thursday, October 20 from Noon - 5:00 pm Eastern

  • NOSB Public Meeting Day 1: Tuesday, October 25 from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Pacific

  • NOSB Public Meeting Day 2: Wednesday, October 26 from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Pacific

  • NOSB Public Meeting Day 3: Thursday, October 27 from 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Pacific

The meetings are open to the public, and no registration is required, except to sign up for oral comments. Times shown for face-to-face meetings are always in the meeting location’s local time zone. Webinars and commenting deadlines are always based on the Eastern time zone.

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Fall 2022 Pre-NOSB Meeting
9:00 AM09:00

Fall 2022 Pre-NOSB Meeting

Join NOC on Monday, October 24 in Sacramento, CA for the Fall 2022 Pre-NOSB Meeting. This is an in-person event! The Pre-NOSB meeting will take place from 9 am to 5 pm PT at the Holiday Inn Sacramento Downtown (same location as NOSB meeting). We have a great agenda planned, including presentations & discussions about the recently announced USDA Organic Transition Initiative, organic priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill, a Q&A with Jenny Tucker from the National Organic Program, a conversation about supporting limited-resource aspiring farmers, a preview of the hot topics at the NOSB meeting (including organic acreage reporting to deter fraud), a farmer panel, and more!

The meeting format is a roundtable discussion, which promotes dialogue, open participation, and networking. The event is free and open to all organic stakeholders.

Online pre-registration for this meeting has now closed. Please email with any questions or if you plan to attend, but did not register for the meeting in advance.

Thank you to our meeting co-sponsors:

For any questions, please email

For meeting participants: We encourage participants to wear a well-fitting mask during the meeting except while eating or drinking. We will provide masks and hand sanitizer. We ask that anyone who is feeling ill or showing any covid symptoms refrains from taking part. NOC will continue to monitor local, CDC, and the hotel’s covid guidance and update this policy as needed.

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NOC Call for Members & Network Affiliates: Advancing Organic in the 2023 Farm Bill
2:00 PM14:00

NOC Call for Members & Network Affiliates: Advancing Organic in the 2023 Farm Bill

The National Organic Coalition is hosting a conference call:

Advancing Organic in the 2023 Farm Bill

Thursday, August 11, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm eastern

(call begins at 1:00 pm central, 12:00 pm mountain, 11:00 am pacific)



Join NOC Policy Director, Steve Etka, and Executive Director, Abby Youngblood, to discuss NOC’s 2023 farm bill platform. NOC will describe our vision to advance organic through the farm bill legislation. 

We will discuss:

  • 2023 farm bill context – the political backdrop and funding environment for the 2023 farm bill.

  • Organic Stewardship Program – NOC’s proposal to create an $80 million program to streamline & increase organic certification cost share reimbursements and provide technical support & mentorship to existing and transitioning organic farmers.

  • Supporting the NOSB – staff assistants for National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) members, stipends for farmers and under-resourced organizations, and our strategy to defend against efforts to weaken the role of the NOSB.

  • Equity – using an equity lens to ensure farm bill policies promote equitable access to organic agriculture.

  • Addressing regulatory bottlenecks at USDA –proposals to amend OFPA to ensure that organic lives up to the continuous improvement ethos and to compel USDA to implement NOSB recommendations in a timely manner.

  • Organic Research - research is key to tackling the many challenges facing organic farmers.  NOC is asking for increased funding for organic research, to keep pace with the growing organic sector. 

  • And more! NOC will be making recommendations for the inclusion of organic provisions across farm bill titles, including commodities, crop insurance, conservation, energy, nutrition, and horticulture. 


This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Not yet a NOC Network Affiliate? Please contact NOC to learn more about this opportunity. 




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Key Outcomes from the Spring 2022 Online NOSB Meeting
1:00 PM13:00

Key Outcomes from the Spring 2022 Online NOSB Meeting

Key Outcomes from the Spring 2022 Online NOSB Meeting

Wednesday, May 11 from 1 to 2:30 pm eastern

(call begins at 12 pm central, 11 am mountain, 10 am pacific)


NOC staff will describe highlights from the Spring 2022 online National Organic Standards Board Meeting and NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting.


Register below by 5 pm eastern Tuesday, May 10, to participate in this event.


This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC.


We will discuss the following topics:

  • Key takeaways – Q&A with National Organic Program at NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting: 

    o   Strengthening Organic Enforcement Final Rule

    o   NOSB Recommendations Backlog

    o   Ammonia Extracts

    o   Support for NOSB members

  • NOSB decisions and votes on highly soluble nitrogen fertilizers, excluded methods, and other key votes + why these issues matter to organic integrity.

  • What lies ahead: NOSB technical support, racial equity, essentiality, and other topics flagged by the Board.

  • Highlights from the NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting farmer panel – are USDA conservation programs working for organic farmers?

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[Virtual] Spring 2022 Pre-NOSB Meeting
to Apr 13

[Virtual] Spring 2022 Pre-NOSB Meeting

  • National Organic Coalition (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

The National Organic Coalition Spring 2022 Pre-NOSB meeting will take place virtually on zoom in two parts:

  • Part 1: Monday, April 11, from 1 pm to 4.30 pm ET.

  • Part 2: Wednesday, April 13, from 1 pm to 4.30 pm ET.

This meeting serves as a public forum for diverse stakeholders to discuss some of the most urgent and challenging issues impacting the organic community. The agenda includes:

  • a farm bill forecast and DC update

  • hot topics under consideration by the NOSB this spring

  • discussions about the $1 billion USDA climate-smart commodities pilot program

  • a Q&A session with National Organic Program Deputy Administrator, Jenny Tucker

  • a conversation about racial equity,

  • and much more!

The agenda is available here.

Additional meeting resources will be shared here.

Thank you to our meeting co-sponsors:

Please register below by Friday, April 8, at 5 pm ET.

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History of Racism in US Agriculture & Organic
2:00 PM14:00

History of Racism in US Agriculture & Organic

The Organic Farmers Association, the National Organic Coalition, IFOAM North America, the Accredited Certifiers Association, and the International Organic Inspectors Association are collaborating on a project to offer Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources for Organic Professionals

As a part of this project, we are hosting a webinar on the History of Racism in US Agriculture & Organic, Wednesday, December 8th, from 2 to 3.30 pm ET. 

Organic organizations have recognized the need for a training providing baseline knowledge and common language for diversity, equity, and inclusion across the organic community. This webinar, presented by Cambium Collective, LLC, will provide an overview of systemic racism in organic agriculture systems, data on current demographics surrounding organic farmers, consumers, and service providers, and existing policies contributing or remediating discrepancies. 

The webinar is open to all, but is specifically designed for organic inspectors, organic certifiers, and organic farm education organizations.  We hope that you encourage your staff to attend.  We know that if we work on this together, we can build a stronger organic movement.  

Visit to register & learn more.

We hope you will join us! Registration is open through Monday, December 6th. 

This project is supported by the USDA - National Organic Program, Human Capital Capacity Building Projects.

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Key Outcomes from the Fall 2021 Online NOSB Meeting
2:00 PM14:00

Key Outcomes from the Fall 2021 Online NOSB Meeting

Key Outcomes from the Fall 2021 Online NOSB Meeting

Tuesday, November 9 from 2 to 3:30 pm eastern

(call begins at 1 pm central, 12 pm mountain, 11 am pacific)


NOC staff will describe highlights from the Fall 2021 online National Organic Standards Board Meeting and NOC Fall 2021 Pre-NOSB Meeting.


Register below by COB Monday, November 8 to participate in this event.


This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC.


We will discuss the following topics:

  • Key takeaways from the remarks that Under Secretary Moffitt, NOP Deputy Administrator Tucker, and Senior Advisor Karlin made at the meeting.

  • NOSB decisions and votes on ammonia extracts, sodium nitrate, biodegradable biobased mulch, chitosan, biochar, kasugamycin, carbon dioxide, carrageenan, and zein, and why these issues matter to organic integrity.

  • What lies ahead: future NOSB work on excluded methods, racial equity, and other topics flagged by the Board.

  • Highlights from the NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting farmer panel and discussion about structural reforms to increase support for organic at USDA.

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[Virtual] Fall 2021 NOC Pre NOSB Meeting
to Oct 6

[Virtual] Fall 2021 NOC Pre NOSB Meeting

  • National Organic Coalition (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

NOC is excited to convene a virtual Pre-NOSB meeting this October.  We hope you will join us!

On Tuesday, October 5, from 1 to 3 pm ET, we will convene a farmer panel and share DC organic policy updates and a National Organic Standards Board update.

On Wednesday, October 6, from 1 to 3 pm ET, we will convene a discussion focused on the future of organic.

View the full agenda here. Other meeting documents and resources are available here.


Thank you to our many colleagues who provided feedback on the format for our meeting this fall. Though many of you are eager to convene again in person, we conducted a survey in August and learned that due to the pandemic, a majority of you requested a virtual gathering for this fall.

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NOC  Call for Members & Network Affiliates - Advancing Organic with the Biden Administration
2:30 PM14:30

NOC Call for Members & Network Affiliates - Advancing Organic with the Biden Administration

  • National Organic Coalition (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Advancing Organic with the Biden Administration

Wednesday, September 1 from 2:30 to 4:00 pm eastern

(call begins at 1:30 pm central, 12:30 pm mountain, 11:30 am pacific)

Join NOC Policy Director, Steve Etka, and Executive Director, Abby Youngblood, to discuss NOC’s six top priorities for immediate action by Secretary Vilsack and progress made to date on those priorities. We will also describe our vision for broader reforms that must be made in USDA’s organic program to achieve the true public-private partnership envisioned by the Organic Foods Production Act (OFPA). 

We will provide updates and opportunities to take action on:

  • Unfinished Rules - Strengthening Organic Enforcement (SOE) Rule, Origin of Livestock Rule, Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices Rule

  • Advancing Organic as a Climate Change solution - organic’s role as a climate change solution and proposals to incentivize the transition to organic.

  • Building Back Better - creating a more inclusive, equitable organic program and a more resilient food system.

  • Organic Certification Cost Share - restoring program funding and creating a more robust program for the future.

  • Broader Structural Reforms - elevating the role of the NOSB, active support from USDA for organic agriculture.

This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC.

Registration is closed.

Please click “Submit” after filling out the form. You will receive a confirmation email within two business days of registering.

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Key Outcomes from Spring 2021 Online NOSB Meeting
1:00 PM13:00

Key Outcomes from Spring 2021 Online NOSB Meeting

The National Organic Coalition is hosting a conference call: 

Key Outcomes from Spring 2021 Online NOSB Meeting

Tuesday, May 25 from 1 to 2:15 pm eastern

(call begins at 12 pm central, 11 am mountain, 10 am pacific)

NOC staff will describe highlights from the Spring 2021 online National Organic Standards Board Meeting and NOC Spring 2021 Pre-NOSB Meeting. 

This call is for National Organic Coalition Members & Network Affiliates. Please contact us if you would like more information about joining NOC. 

We will discuss the following topics:

  • What we heard Dr. Tucker from the USDA National Organic Program say about Origin of Livestock, Strengthening Organic Enforcement, & Organic Livestock and Poultry Practices rules.

  • NOSB decisions and votes on paper pots, biodegradable biobased mulch, and ion exchange filtration, and why these issues matter to organic integrity.

  • What lies ahead: future NOSB work on excluded methods, ammonia extract, highly soluble fertilizers, kasugamycin, greenhouse and container production, and more.

  • Highlights from the NOC Pre-NOSB Meeting.

Register below by noon eastern on Monday, May 24.

Please click “Submit” after filling out the form. You will receive a confirmation email within two business days of registering.


NOC Spring 2021 Comments to the NOSB:

The National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is a 15-member volunteer board with representation from diverse members of the organic community. The NOSB advises the Secretary of Agriculture on a wide variety of topics related to organic standards, including what materials should be allowed in organic farming. The NOSB holds public meetings twice a year and the National Organic Coalition holds a public meeting prior to the start of each NOSB meeting (NOSB meetings usually last three or four days). The purpose of the Pre-NOSB meeting is to provide a forum for productive engagement around critical issues of organic integrity for diverse stakeholders in the organic community.

The work of the NOSB is critical to maintaining the integrity of the National Organic Program. The public meetings held each year are an opportunity for the entire organic community to publicly voice their opinions about how the organic program should function.

For the Spring 2021 NOSB Meeting, NOC weighed in on critical organic integrity issues in the in-depth comments and oral testimony we provided to the Board. These comments draw upon the wealth of expertise within our diverse coalition. Learn more:

For more information about the NOSB, please visit:

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