Join the National Organic Coalition’s network of over over 50 organizations, companies, and farms. Together, we form a coalition for information and action to protect the integrity of organic food and farming systems.
We will keep you informed and ask for your input to advance work on organic issues with Members of Congress,
the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA),
and other agencies (such as EPA) as well as in the courts.
NOC is leading essential work to protect organic in the ongoing Farm Bill negotiations and to communicate with new leaders in the wake of the 2024 elections. When you join the National Organic Coalition, you support education and advocacy that is critical to the future of our movement.
NOC’s advocacy:
Increases federal funding and resources to support a growing organic sector.
Is essential to ensure that the organic program has integrity and consumer trust.
Upholds the core values of ecology, human health, and equity
With 14 Members and more than 40 Network Affiliates, the National Organic Coalition is more than 50 organizations and companies strong. We hope you will join us.
Network Affiliate Benefits
Access to NOC staff expertise and organic policy archive.
Regular updates on organic policy issues and NOSB decisions.
Rapid response communication for urgent issues.
One-click action alerts to voice support for organic with USDA and Congress and to defend against attacks.
Quarterly virtual webinars so you can stay up to date on organic issues.
Access to a farmer scholarship fund to support farmer participation in NOSB meetings.
Talking points to use with USDA/Congress on organic issues & contact information for relevant ag staffers in Congressional offices.
Resources to advance equity and inclusion in the organic movement.
Input into NOC Farm Bill priorities.
Opportunity to sign on to NOC letters & petitions (on an issue-by-issue basis).
Note: NOC Network Affiliates are not required to support all NOC positions and are not represented by NOC in lobbying activities with USDA and Congress.
Our goal is to make it easy for organizations and companies
who join as Network Affiliates to engage in organic advocacy and track organic issues.
You can check out this slide deck to learn more about the benefits of joining NOC.
Network Affiliate Contributions
Network Affiliates make an annual financial contribution to our 501(c)(3) to support our education and advocacy work.
Recommended annual contribution levels for NOC Network Affiliates:
Farm: $100 - $500
Non-Profit: $500 - $2,000
Company: $1,000 - $10,000
We encourage contributions at higher levels to support our work to advance organic integrity. Our philosophy is that no one should be excluded from participation on the basis of ability to pay. Please contact us directly if you would like to become a Network Affiliate, but cannot meet these guidelines.
*Please note: The Network Affiliate program is currently not open to consulting groups.
Are you an individual wanting to participate? Sign up for regular email updates.