Don't Let Organic Farmers Leave $500 on the Table!

Through USDA’s newly created Organic and Transitional Education and Certification Program (OTECP), certified organic operations are eligible for an additional $500 in reimbursements for certification costs for 2020 and 2021. But they must apply to FSA before February 4!

This new program is part of USDA’s Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative. During the COVID-19 pandemic, certified organic and transitional operations have faced loss of markets, increased costs, labor shortages, and expenses related to obtaining or renewing their organic certification. This program is intended to provide additional assistance to producers given these pandemic-related challenges.

Operations that have gone through FSA office in the past to get cost share reimbursements through the Organic Certification Cost Share Program, only need to fill out one form (FSA form 883) to receive the $500 reimbursement. Operations that have more than one scope and/or other eligible expenses (i.e. conference registration fees, soil testing expenses) are eligible for additional assistance.

TRANSITIONING OPERATIONS: Crop and livestock operations transitioning to organic production may be eligible for 75% of a transitional operation’s eligible expenses, up to $750, for each year. This includes fees charged by a certifying agent or consultant for pre-certification inspections and development of an organic system plan.

Please help make sure the organic and transitioning producers in your network have access about this opportunity for assistance!

Learn more. 

Lea Kone