NOC 2022 Fly-In Recap: Productive Conversations with 43 Congressional Offices
In June, 30 organic farmers, scientists, policy advocates, and organic company representatives from across the country met with over forty Congressional offices to urge action on key organic priorities. NOC members were thrilled with the progress we made with key Congressional offices, Democrats and Republicans alike, to advance organic. Key outcomes included:
Farm Bill: Members of Congress are eager to work with NOC on Farm Bill issues, and to hear more details about the detailed proposals we will have this summer. Several offices expressed interest in playing a leadership role on our Farm Bill priorities, such as the Organic Stewardship Program (expanding certification cost share and technical assistance to help farms transition to organic), addressing regulatory bottlenecks, and expanded organic research.
Unfinished organic rules: Republican and Democrat Members of Congress alike expressed support for finalizing the Strengthening Organic Enforcement rule and Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards rule, which is currently at the Office of Management and Budget and is awaiting publication in the federal register as a proposed rule.
Organic as a climate change solution: Many Congressional offices understood that organic operations have been early adopters of climate-friendly practices like cover cropping and crop rotations due to the strict soil health requirements in the organic regulations. They understood that Congress should reward the good work that organic farmers are already doing and should assist others interested in transitioning to organic, both through the Farm Bill and Appropriations process.
Appropriations Priorities – Several Congressional office are eager to support our appropriations requests, which include:
boosting funding for the USDA National Organic Program, with a focus on enforcement of organic standards.
increasing the Organic Transitions Program to $10 million annually, with a focus on using the increase to fund climate change research related to organic agriculture.
fixing the funding shortfall for the Organic Certification Cost Share Program
We look forward to continuing to work with Members of Congress as we move into discussions about the 2023 Farm Bill.
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NOC Members meet with organic champion Rep. Chellie Pingree to discuss Farm Bill priorities for organic.