Protecting Organic Integrity - Fall National Organic Standard Board Meeting

The National Organic Coalition has submitted extensive comments to the National Organic Standards Board, asking them to protect the integrity of the organic program. NOC has also provided our analysis of which materials should remain on the National List for use in organic based on human health & environmental impacts, and compatibility with organic systems of production.

Board Votes on Inert Ingredients

One of the most important topics up for a vote this fall is related to the review of so-called ‘inert’ ingredients in organic approved pesticides. We know that inerts are the bulk of organic pesticides. The ‘active’ ingredients used in organic-approved pesticides make up only a small part of what is applied on organic farms.  The so-called ‘inert’ ingredients used in organic pesticides are the majority of the pesticide product. Unfortunately, some inert materials used in agricultural products, including organic-approved materials, are now known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors.

NOC is asking the NOSB to pass a recommendation to require that ‘inerts’ are reviewed and added to the National List individually. This would strengthen the review process for inerts, provide greater transparency, and ensure that ‘inerts’ used in organic agriculture are not harmful to human health and the environment, that they are necessary, and that they are compatible with organic systems of production. NOC supports Option 1 in the NOSB proposal. We oppose option 2 for the reasons we enumerate in our full written comments on this topic.

NOC Expresses Appreciation to NOSB

NOC is grateful to the to the five board members whose terms end in January 2025 for their incredible service.  NOC is also appreciative that the NOSB has reinstated in-person oral comments, which create a valuable space for interaction and input from the public. We hope that the NOSB will continue to provide the opportunity for in-person public comments during future Board meetings.


Read NOC’s full comments to the NOSB for the Fall 2024 National Organic Standards Board Meeting here.  

Abby Youngblood