Farm Bill Update - Vital Organic Programs are at Risk!

As Congress works to avoid a government shutdown before the December 20 deadline, negotiations on a critical stopgap funding measure have stalled. Key sticking points include economic aid for farmers, climate funding for conservation programs, and a proposed one-year extension of the Farm Bill.

The fate of several smaller, yet vital, organic programs remains uncertain, leaving them in jeopardy if Congress fails to include them in the year-end package:

  1. The Organic Certification Cost Share Program – thousands of organic farms and businesses rely on this reimbursement to help defray the cost of organic certification. Level funding of $8 million, as was provided last year, is no longer enough funding and would result in cuts. The cost of the program has risen due to increasing certification costs and as more operations are getting certified. Congress needs to provide at least $11 million for the OCCSP in the Farm Bill extension (or through an ad hoc emergency assistance package).

  2. The Organic Data Initiative – Essential for collecting data to support organic agriculture.

  3. The Organic Certification Trade and Tracking Program (OCTT) – Provides critical technology systems for the USDA National Organic Program to enforce organic regulations and prevent fraud.

Contact your Members of Congress - let them know that you are concerned about these important organic programs!

NOC is closely monitoring these developments and their potential impact on organic agriculture. Stay tuned for updates as the situation unfolds.

Abby Youngblood